Cheap golden retriever Puppies Nearby

 The Thanksgiving weekend brings many new sights, sounds, and smells to your dog’s nose. If you are planning a dinner party and guests at your home, prepare ahead to make Thanksgiving a safe and positive experience for your young dog. golden retriever puppy for sale near me

With a change in the routine—introducing new people and sounds and heightened activity around your home—Thanksgiving can expose your puppy to a few dangerous moments. Additionally, a full house, louder sounds levels, and excitable activities make your puppy vulnerable to emotional stress and fear.

Organize Your Home

Keep loud sounds to a minimum. Soft holiday music can set the tone and volume level in your home. Place a safety barrier between a fireplace and your puppy. The same consideration goes for lit candles which should be moved to a high place. When the oven doors open, make sure no person or pup is underfoot.

Puppies are known to dart out open doors. If your pup isn’t already microchipped, contact your vet about the benefits. If your pup does get out of the house, they’re more likely to return when properly identified.

Don’t set groceries on the floor or leave napkins dropped under the table for long. These items must stay out of your puppy’s mouth. Secure the trash can by storing it in the garage, outside the back door, or inside a cabinet. 

Trash, turkey bones, strings, plastic bags, and packaging are going to smell delicious to your puppy, and it’s incredibly important you don’t let them get into this potentially hazardous mix. 

Keep in mind that some holiday plants can cause dogs harm. If one of your guests brings a gift plant this Thanksgiving, set it up on a table. Eating holly, ivy, mistletoe, Amaryllis, Poinsettia, or Christmas cactus will cause gastrointestinal upset. 

Not all plants are poisonous, but your pup is likely to experience at least some sickness. This protection measure includes potpourri!

If Thanksgiving weekend includes setting up the Christmas tree, this might be the year to have a table-top tree. At the very least, when decorating the tree, don’t place lights, ornaments, or tinsel on the bottom layer branches. 

Additionally, secure the center truck to the wall so bump ups against the tree don’t knock it over. Don’t give your pup access to the tree water reserve either.


If you are currently training your puppy, the holidays offer a good opportunity to Cheap golden retriever Puppies Nearby. Exposing them to people of all ages, sizes, skin and hair colors, personalities, clothing, facial hair and gear (like glasses) is a lesson in how many wonderful people will enter their world. 

Dogs who meet children during early socialization (Socialization with people should begin between 5-12 weeks) do not show aggressive behavior later in life and, in fact, have lower heart rates around kids than dogs with no exposure during this important time.

Visitors to your home need to be introduced to your new puppy. At this moment, you will teach the pup how to meet new people and lay down the puppy rules with your guests. Young children who are not familiar with animal care could hurt or expose your pup to danger unintentionally. Keep a close eye on these interactions. golden retriever puppies for sale

For the times over the weekend when you are distracted, someone else needs to be in charge of your dog. Ask a guest with experience to take turns watching over your pup. When no one is available, a crate or dog bed should be ready to remove your pup from the crowd and give them the opportunity to rest.



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