Cheap golden retriever Puppies Nearby
The Thanksgiving weekend brings many new sights, sounds, and smells to your dog’s nose. If you are planning a dinner party and guests at your home, prepare ahead to make Thanksgiving a safe and positive experience for your young dog. golden retriever puppy for sale near me With a change in the routine—introducing new people and sounds and heightened activity around your home—Thanksgiving can expose your puppy to a few dangerous moments. Additionally, a full house, louder sounds levels, and excitable activities make your puppy vulnerable to emotional stress and fear. Organize Your Home Keep loud sounds to a minimum. Soft holiday music can set the tone and volume level in your home. Place a safety barrier between a fireplace and your puppy. The same consideration goes for lit candles which should be moved to a high place. When the oven doors open, make sure no person or pup is underfoot. Puppies are known to dart out open doors. If your pup isn’t already microchipped, contac...